CZR Consulting S.C. (hereinafter “CZR”), domiciled at Blvd. Adolfo Lopez Mateos 3002 local 11, Col. Jardines de Jerez, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 37530, complying with the Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Companies or Individuals (The Law) and its Bylaws, inform you that gathers and treats your personal data for the purposes that this Privacy Policy establishes.

CZR gathers your personal data in a direct way through electronic means whether through “chat” or by email and/or by phone and in an indirect way through transfers that subsidiaries and/or third parties send it.

The personal data that we gather in a direct or indirect way are referred to your complete name, address, phone numbers of your house, work place and mobile phone, email and occupation, copy of id documents and other documents referred for the services our company offers, as well as property and financial data. We are committed that all the obtained data will be treated upon the strictest measures of security guaranteeing your confidentiality.

Your personal information will only be used to carry out the services our company offers, which you are requiring us, follow up comment, consults, claims and demands you may present regarding our services, keeping statistical and administrative controls, and depending on the case, for  publicity and commercial prospection purposes. In case you do not want your personal data be used to receive publicity and offers, you can inform by dialing (477) 716-27- 16, from Monday to Friday (business days) from 8:00 to 18:30 hrs, or by our e-mail:

According to Article 8 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Companies or Individuals, we require your specific consent to treat your “property and financial” personal data. If you do not express you oppose to treating your property and financial personal data, we will understood that you grant your specific consent for this. Any way, we are committed not to use these data for different purposes to those written in this Privacy Policy, unless in case of what has been provided by Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Companies or Individuals.

We inform you that your personal data may be transferred by CZR and treated inside and outside the country to different persons of this company.  In that way, your information can be shared with any company abroad devoted to legal services as Apostilles, legalizations, insertions etc., to follow up the services your required, comments, consults, claims and demands you present as well as to keep administrative and statistical controls. If you do not express your opposition so that your personal data is transferred to third parties for these purposes, it will be understood that you grant your consent for it.

It is important to point out third parties to which CZR transfers your personal data are committed upon the same terms of this Privacy Policy and fulfill with the corresponding security and confidential purposes. Anyway, we commit ourselves not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, unless those exceptions are provided by Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Companies, as well as to carry out this transfer upon terms established by that law.

Since the treatment and transfer of your personal data is essential to fulfill with the purposes being expressed in this Privacy Policy, your limitation would hinder us to fulfill with those and provide the quality services you are expecting from us.

You have the right to access to the personal data we have from you as well as to the details of its treatment, as well as to rectify them in case they are not exact or complete, or cancel them whenever you consider they are not required for some of the pointed out purposes in this Private Policy; being used for purposes which have not been granted or the contractual relationship or service has been finished, or to oppose to their treatment for specific purposes (ARCO Rights).

Regarding the exercise of ARCO Rights, you should present the corresponding application to our Client Service Department in charge of the document administration and CZR personal data. You can contact our Client Service Department by dialing (477) 716-27- 16, from Monday to Friday (business days) from 8:00 to 18:30 hrs, or by email:

The application you present to exercise ARCO Rights shall have your name and domicile or email you want to receive the information related with the proceeding, additionally to the document or documents with which you confirm your identity or the capacity of your legal representative.  Likewise, we thank you include a clear and precise description of the data regarding the exercise of any of “ARCO” rights and of any other element allowing us to identify or locate the mentioned personal data.

When it is about “rectification” of your personal data, you will also point out which is the exact modification to be done and present the supporting documentation you are asking for. We ask you to consider that regarding your protection and benefit, it is possible that we may require additional documentation that will let totally let us identify those data you want to have access to, rectify and/or cancel, or those you are opposing to be treated.

Likewise, w inform you that it is possible that CZR may not cancel or block personal data according to what has been provided by the Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Companies and its Bylaws.

Once we receive your complete and duly integrated application, our Client Service Department will give you the corresponding answer within a maximum of 20 business days. If it comes out to be accepted, within the next 15 days your will make effective your required right. In case CZR has to return documentation as a result of the exercised right, it will be done through copies that shall be sent through email or delivered at the pointed out domicile in your application within the before mentioned term. Even though the exercise of ARCO Rights and the delivery of the information are free, CZR reserves the right to collect expenses and cost for delivery and copies.

You can revoke at any time, the concern you have granted to us to avoid total or partial treatment of your personal data understand that these are necessary for the herein described purposes and its limitation may difficult us complying with the purposes for which we gathered them and the service rendering you are expecting from us.

In case you want to revoke your consent regarding the treatment of your personal data, you should present your application at the Clients Service Department with a copy of your official id to accredit that you are the holder of the personal data (depending on the case, the accreditation of your legal representative), and to point out the email of domicile to which you want to receive information related to the proceeding, a clear and precise description of the personal data from which you require to revoke your consent and the data that allow us notify the resolution lined to your application. Our Client Service Department will notify the resolution referred to your application within a 15-business day term after you present your application, if this is complete and duly integrated.

At any time, CZR may carry out modifications or updates to this Federal Law for the Protection of Data in Possession of Private Companies Privacy Policy regarding legislative novelties, internal policies or new requirements for the administration of claims and demands of the clients.

Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico (Rev. 05/26/2017)